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About us

Basic information

Journal of Health and Medical Sciences (JOHAMSC), is an Electronic journal with its ISSN 0719-949X. It is open access in that all full-text scientific articles can be accessed and downloaded for free. Its objective is to publish original and unpublished works on the areas of health sciences, medicine and related sciences and that are not simultaneously applying to other journals or editorial bodies. In addition, an AUTO-FILE is generated and delivered to the author with a POST-PRINT. JOHAMSC, was born in 2015 with the name of Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine (RECISAM) . It is published quarterly. It covers the following periods: number 1 (January to March), number 2 (April to June), number 3 (July to September) and number 4 (October and December).

JOHAMSC, has as its mission:

  • Promote the creation, dissemination and exchange of scientific and technical information, among professionals, scientists and students who work in the areas of health sciences, medicine and related sciences.

JOHAMSC, has as a vision:

  • To be an international scientific journal of recognized prestige, quality and impact in the areas of health sciences, medicine and related sciences.
  • To be a journal that contributes to the generation, promotion and scientific-technological transfer of knowledge to the regional, national and international scientific community.

The abbreviation of his title is J. health med. sci , which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, legends and bibliographical references.


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The copyright of JOHAMSC belongs to the University of Tarapacá.

JOHAMSC reserves all rights, including translation rights in all signatory countries of the Pan-American and international conventions on copyright.

JOHAMSC is open access. This means that all articles are immediately available for free at the time of publication. JOHAMSC articlescan be downloaded, shared, and reused without restriction, as long as the original authors are properly


Digital Preservation

Journal of Health and Medical Sciences utiliza el sistema LOCKSS, software que gestiona una preservación descentralizada y distribuida, acceso perpetuo y permanente, y la preservación de la versión original auténtica del contenido.


The JOHAMSC publication is financed by: Universidad de Tarapacá.